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jaanuar 27, 2007

Hairpin lace vol.2

Novembris alustatud õlarätik on nüüd lõpuks valmis. Tuli selline hästi suur, saab mitu korda mõnusalt ümber kaela keerata ja hästi soe on ka. Ainuke viga on ehk see, et see lõng 7 Veljestä võiks pehmem olla. Küll läheb sellise tehnika puhul ikka palju lõnga, lausa 3,5 tokki, ometigi on tokis 150g ja 300m.

The shawl that I started in November is done. It is so large and I can easily put it around my neck. It is very warm but unfortunately this yarn is not so soft as I wanted. This technique needs also very much yarn. This shawl is made from 3,5 balls of yarn, each consists from 150g and 300m.

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jaanuar 20, 2007

Gift from SP9

Yesterday I got my final gift from my SP. It is great!!! There was a book from my wish list "Victorian Lace Today" with very beautiful shawls . On the first page of this book was the author's personal autograph for me. SP, what a great idea! So there was a soft lace yarn (merino50% and silk50%), knitting markers, funny magnet, dark chocolate and knitter's nail file. The natural rose soap (not on a picture) and rose hand butter were also in this parcel. I like them very much. The "snowman" kerchief was for Clooney. Thank you SP, I really enjoy my package!


jaanuar 11, 2007

Gift for my sister

3. jaanuaril oli mu õel sünnipäev ja kuna ta oli juba ammu palunud minu poolt kaunistatud lillepotti, siis kingi valikuga raskusi ei tulnud. Seekord tegin sellise lihtsama, ainult värvisin ja heegeldasin ümber kuldniidi ja pärlitega 3 ketti. 2 küünlavaasikest kaunistasin samuti ära kasutades pärleid, organsa paela ja heegeldatud kette. Pildid on tehtud ja saadetud minu õe poolt.

On the third of Janury was my sister's birthday. She asked me for a flowerpot for a long time so it was easy to choose the gift. This pot looks more simple as mine. I just painted and crocheted three chain with gold threed and beads. Also I decorated two candle vases with beeds, crochetchains and organza ribbon. Pictures are made and sent by my sister.
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jaanuar 04, 2007

My new craft books

Kõigepealt, head uut aastat kõigile!

Teisipäeval lisandus minu riiulile neli uut raamatut. Suured tänud Jutupaunale, kes viitsis ühistellimust korraldada. Üldiselt olen kõikide raamatutega väga rahul, kuid raamat Shawls and Scarves oleks võinud sisaldada natukenegi huvitavamaid ja moodsamaid töid. Paljud sallid, rätikud sobiksid rohkem vanematele inimestele ja endale kandmiseks ei teeks. Aint kui emale või vanaemale :) . Väga lahedad raamatud on aga Nicky Epstein's Knitted Flowers ja Wrap Style. Nüüd tahaks lisaks viimasele tellida ka Scarf Style. Tundub, et on ka huvitav. Wrap Style sisaldab minu jaoks väga mitmeid toredaid asju ja seal on palju palju, mida kooks. Ja A-Z of Bead Embroidery on selline ilus raamat nagu ka selle seeria teisedki. See on selline minulik, romantiliste ja rikkalike tikanditega, ühesõnaga väga inspireeriv. See oli selline lühike arvamus minu uutest raamatutest ja ehk on kellegile abiks raamatute valimisel.

First, I wish you all a happy new year!

On tuesday I added on my shelf four new books. Many thanks to
Jutupaun who organised the collective order. Generally I am very happy about all my books but I hoped that the book Shawls and Scarves would have more interesting patterns. It consists of projects that I think never will use for myself. The shawls and scarves from this book fits more for my mother or grandmother :) . Great books are Nicky Epstein's Knitted Flowers and Wrap Style. Besides the last one now I am also interested in Scarf Style. It seems also interesting. In Wrap Style there are a lot of good patterns to do. And the book A-Z of Bead Embroidery is as beautiful as the other similar A-Z books. Its with very romantic and stunning projects with step-by-step photographs, very inspiring. It was my short view on my new books. Maybe it will be useful for someone.
