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detsember 31, 2006

Hair accessory

Olin vahepeal ära maal ja veetsin Jõulud ka seal. Clooneyle igastahes seal väga meeldis :)

Aga see juuksekumm on siis minu selle aasta viimane isetehtud asi. Pole enam ammu pärlitest ehteid teinud, seega läks mul ehte valmistamiseks pea kaks päeva. Tulemusega olen ise küll väga rahul ja tahaks kohe omale ka sellise teha, kuna see on tehtud kingiks minu õe tütrele.

I was at country and spent my Christmas time also there. Clooney liked to be there very much.

And this hair accessory is my final handmade thing for this year. I did my last beading work much time ago so I spent almost two days to do this accessory. I made this bead work for my sister's daughter as a present. I think that I will do also one for myself because I am very pleased with this work.


detsember 16, 2006

Clooney and his portrait

Ma olen ikka veel koertemaailmas :) ja külastan nüüd koertefoorumeid tihedamini kui käsitöö omasid. Poleks kunagi arvanud, et asi niimodi muutub. Aga tegelikult pole ma käsitööst päriselt veel võõrandunud ja üht ja teist ma veel pusin. Käsitööst ei kavatse ma kunagi päriselt loobuda.
Kunagi neli aastat tagasi pidime koolis täpitehnikas looma portree joonistama. Siis sai valmis selline tiiger. Ühel päeval sattus see pilt mulle kätte ja otsustasin oma kutsust ka portree teha selles samas tehnikas.
Välja tuli selline.

I am still in the dog's world :) and now I am interested in dog's forums more than in handcraft forums. But I'm also doing some handworks and I'm not planning to finish with my best hobby.
Four years ago we had to do portrait of the animal at school and I drew this
tiger. Some days ago I found that picture and decided to do one of my dog in the same technique. And so its done.
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detsember 09, 2006

Gift from my Secret Pal 9

Yesterday I got a gift from my SP9. It came from USA, NH and it is wonderful. There was one really soft pink 100% Suri Alpaca yarn, Arrow lace scarf pattern, notepapers and candies. The ball of yarn is quite small but there is over 200 yards and its my favorite. Thank you my Secret Pal, you are great! Posted by Picasa


detsember 03, 2006

Clooney is trying to be like my rabbit.

Clooney tahab vist väga olla nagu tema sõbranna Kupi-Liisa. Sööb selliseid koera jaoks mitte väga tavapäraseid asju. Peale porgandi armastab ta ka kohe väga väga õunu (nende nimel on ta nõus lausa erinavaid trikke tegema) ja käib vahetevahel jänese puurist samuti heina pätsamas.

Clooney is trying to be like his frend rabbit Kupi-Lisa. He eats food that is not traditional to the dogs. He likes carrots and apples so much that he can do different trick to get ones. Also sometimes he likes to eat hay from rabbit hutch :)
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