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mai 21, 2006


Laupäeval käisin minu õe poolt korraldatud ekskursioonil Saaremaale, mille peamisteks sümboliteks on loomulikult kadakad, leib, koduõlu ja tuulikud. Olen seal varemgi käinud, kuid ikkagi oli hea uuesti näha seda imelist loodust ja tunda müstilist ajaloo hõngu. Sealsetes külades on ju siiamaani rookatustega majad ümbritsetud sammaldunud kiviaedadega.
Kuna aga mina väga armastan loomi, siis kõige enam pakkus huvi mulle Angla tuulikute juures hüplevad kitsed ja Muhu jaanalinnufarm,kus elavad ka kängurud.

Goats near Angla windmills on Muhu Fisheremen village2
Ostrich Kangaroo
On Saturday I was on excursion on the largest island of Estonia Saaremaa what was organised by my sister. The main symbols of Saaremaa are of course juniper, black bread, home brew and windmills. I have not been there for ages, but it was very great to see again its beautiful nature and feel a mystical spirit of history. There are still houses with reed-roofs and stone hedges preserved in local hamlets.
While I love animals very much so the best for me were jumping goats near
Angla windmills and ostrich-farm with kangaroos on the neighbour island Muhu.

